Healthcare Interoperability: Exploring the Potential of the FHIR Group Resource

The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources – FHIR Group resource is a standardized data representation format used in healthcare systems to organize and manage groups of related individuals or entities. FHIR is an HL7 (Health Level 7) standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically, and the Group resource is one of the many resource types defined within the FHIR specification.


In healthcare settings, it is often necessary to group together individuals or entities for various purposes, such as managing a set of patients belonging to a particular care team, organizing members of a research study, or creating cohorts for population health analysis. The Group resource provides a standardized way to represent and manage such groups.

The Group resource contains information about the group itself, such as its identifier, type, and characteristics, as well as references to the members of the group. Members can be individuals, organizations, or other groups, and the resource allows for flexible grouping structures. For example, a group can have a hierarchical structure where subgroups are nested within parent groups.

The Group resource in FHIR follows a structured format defined by the FHIR specification, which is based on a resource-oriented approach using standard data elements and relationships. It is represented using JSON or XML formats and can be exchanged between different healthcare systems and applications that support FHIR.

fhir group resource - care-team
FHIR Group Resource

By leveraging the FHIR Group resource, healthcare systems, and applications can achieve improved interoperability by ensuring consistent representation and exchange of group-related information. This can facilitate collaborative care, research coordination, and population health management by enabling the seamless sharing and analysis of data across various healthcare entities.

Structure of FHIR Group resource

The structure of the FHIR Group resource in JSON format follows the FHIR specification. Other formats like XML and Turtle exist, but here we will talk about JSON. Here’s an example of how a Group resource might be represented in JSON:

  "resourceType": "Group",
  "id": "example-care-team",
  "identifier": [
      "system": "",
      "value": "56789"
  "type": "careteam",
  "actual": true,
  "active": true,
  "name": "Example Care Team",
  "characteristic": [
      "code": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "specialty"
      "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "cardiology",
            "display": "Cardiology"
  "member": [
      "entity": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/example-physician"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueCodeableConcept": {
            "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "primary",
                "display": "Primary Physician"
      "entity": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/example-nurse"
      "extension": [
          "url": "",
          "valueCodeableConcept": {
            "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "nurse",
                "display": "Nurse"

The details of this structure example are as follows:

  • The group represents a care team, identified by the unique identifier “example-care-team”.
  • The group has one identifier, “” with a value of “56789”.
  • The type of the group is “careteam”, indicating that it represents a care team within a healthcare setting.
  • The group is an actual and active care team.
  • The group is named “Example Care Team”.
  • The characteristic field represents a characteristic of the care team. In this case, it indicates that the care team specializes in cardiology. The code “specialty” is defined in the “” system, and the valueCodeableConcept specifies that the specialty is cardiology, identified by the code “cardiology” from the “” system, with a display value of “Cardiology”.
  • The group has two members: a primary physician and a nurse. Each member is represented by a practitioner reference (e.g., “Practitioner/example-physician” and “Practitioner/example-nurse”).
  • Each member also includes an extension to capture their role within the care team. The extension URL “” indicates the purpose of the extension. The valueCodeableConcept specifies the role of the member, such as “primary” for the primary physician and “nurse” for the nurse. The display values provide human-readable descriptions of the roles.

This is the structure and displays how an FHIR Group resource can be used to represent a care team in a healthcare context, including their specialty, roles, and member composition.

Commonly used fields in FHIR Group resource.

The FHIR Group resource offers a range of fields that can be used to represent various aspects of a group. Here are some of the commonly used fields in the FHIR Group resource:

  • identifier: This field allows you to assign one or more identifiers to the group, such as system-generated or externally defined identifiers.
  • type: It specifies the category or type of the group, which can be a predefined code or a user-defined value. Examples include “person,” “team,” or “careteam.”
  • actual: This field indicates whether the group represents an actual set of individuals or entities. A value of true means it is an actual group, while false indicates it is a conceptual or virtual grouping.
  • active: It represents the current status of the group. A value of true means the group is active and can be used, while false indicates it is inactive or not currently in use.
  • name: This field provides a human-readable name or label for the group, allowing for easy identification and reference.
  • characteristic: It allows you to specify the characteristics or properties of the group. Characteristics can be represented using codes, values, or other data types. Examples include age group, specialty, or risk category.
  • member: This field contains a list of the members belonging to the group. Each member can be an individual, an organization, or another group. The entity field within each member object references the member using the resource type and ID.
  • quantity: It represents the count or quantity of members within the group, providing a numerical value to indicate the size or capacity of the group.
  • managingEntity: This field specifies the entity responsible for managing or governing the group. It can be a practitioner, organization, or device.
  • extension: FHIR allows for extensions, which are additional fields or elements that can be added to a resource to capture domain-specific or implementation-specific information. Extensions provide flexibility for customizing the Group resource to meet specific needs.

These are some of the commonly used fields in the FHIR Group resource. Depending on the use case and requirements, additional fields or extensions may be utilized to capture more specific details about the group and its characteristics.

A sample use case where FHIR Group resource is utilized

One sample use case where the FHIR Group resource can be utilized is in the representation of a care team within a healthcare setting. Care teams typically consist of various healthcare professionals who collaborate to provide comprehensive care for patients. The FHIR Group resource can help in organizing and managing the members of the care team.

Let’s consider an example scenario:

Use Case: Care Team Management

Description: A hospital wants to efficiently manage the care teams responsible for providing care to their patients. They want to have a standardized representation of care teams using FHIR Group resources. Each care team will consist of a primary physician, a nurse, and a medical assistant.

Solution: Using FHIR Group resource:

Create a FHIR Group resource for each care team, with the following information:

  • Assign a unique identifier to each group.
  • Set the type of the group as “careteam” to indicate it represents a care team.
  • Specify the actual field as true since the groups are representing actual care teams.
  • Set the active field as true to indicate the group is currently active.
  • Provide a name or label for each care team.
  • Include the characteristic field to capture relevant information about the care team, such as their specialty or focus area.
  • Add member objects for each team member, specifying their role (e.g., primary physician, nurse, medical assistant) and referencing the respective practitioner resources.

Here is the sample Group resource JSON representation.

  "resourceType": "Group",
  "id": "careteam-001",
  "type": "careteam",
  "actual": true,
  "active": true,
  "name": "Cardiology Care Team",
  "characteristic": [
      "code": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "specialty",
            "display": "Specialty"
      "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "cardiology",
            "display": "Cardiology"
  "member": [
      "entity": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/primary-physician"
      "entity": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/nurse"
      "entity": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/medical-assistant"

In this use case, the FHIR Group resource allows the hospital to represent and manage care teams consistently. The Group resource captures information about the team’s name, specialty, and composition, including the roles and references to the respective practitioners. This representation facilitates effective coordination and collaboration among the care team members, supporting coordinated patient care and improved communication within the healthcare organization.

Here are a few questions that you might face in an interview related to Group resources, which aims to gauge your knowledge about the resource, its practical application, and your understanding of healthcare interoperability principles.

1. What is the purpose of the FHIR Group resource in healthcare interoperability?

The FHIR Group resource serves the purpose of organizing and managing groups of related individuals or entities in healthcare settings. It provides a standardized way to represent and exchange information about groups, such as care teams, patient cohorts, research study participants, or any other collection of entities that share a common purpose or relationship.

2. How would you describe the structure of the FHIR Group resource and can you provide an example of a JSON representation?

  "resourceType": "Group",
  "id": "example-group",
  "type": "person",
  "actual": true,
  "active": true,
  "name": "Example Group",
  "member": [
      "entity": {
        "reference": "Patient/example-patient"
      "entity": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/example-practitioner"

3. What are some common use cases for the FHIR Group resource in healthcare?

Common use cases for the FHIR Group resource include care team management, population health management, clinical trial participant grouping, research study participant management, and organizing patients into cohorts for analysis or reporting purposes.

4. How does the FHIR Group resource support care team management in healthcare settings? Can you provide an example?

The FHIR Group resource supports care team management by allowing the representation of a care team as a group. It enables the inclusion of members with their respective roles, such as primary physicians, nurses, and specialists. This representation helps in coordinating care, ensuring effective communication, and providing a holistic view of the care team involved in a patient’s treatment.

5. What are the key fields or elements in the FHIR Group resource? Can you explain their significance and usage?

Key fields in the FHIR Group resource include identifier, type, actual, active, name, characteristic, member, and quantity. The identifier field provides additional identifiers for the group. Type specifies the category or type of the group. Actual indicates whether the group represents a real group. Active denotes the current status of the group. Name represents the human-readable label for the group. Characteristic captures properties or attributes of the group. Member lists the individuals or entities belonging to the group. Quantity represents the count of members in the group.

6. How does the FHIR Group resource handle member composition? Can members be individuals, organizations, or other groups?

The FHIR Group resource supports member composition by allowing references to individuals, organizations, or other groups through the member field. Each member object specifies the entity reference, indicating the member’s resource type and ID.

7. How can the FHIR Group resource represent the characteristics or properties of a group? Give an example of how you would represent a specific characteristic.

Characteristics or properties of a group can be represented in the characteristic field. Each characteristic consists of a code that identifies the characteristic and a valueCodeableConcept or valueReference field that represents the value or reference for that characteristic. For example, a characteristic could represent the specialty of a care team, with the code “specialty” and the valueCodeableConcept representing the specific specialty.

8. How would you specify the quantity or count of members in a FHIR Group resource? Why is this field important?

The quantity field in the FHIR Group resource represents the count or quantity of members within the group. It provides a numerical value to indicate the size or capacity of the group.

9. Are there any extensions available for the FHIR Group resource? Can you provide an example of how an extension could be used?

The FHIR Group resource allows for the use of extensions to capture additional or custom information. Extensions can be added to the resource to accommodate domain-specific or implementation-specific requirements, expanding the capabilities of the Group resource.

10. How does the FHIR Group resource contribute to healthcare interoperability and data exchange between different systems or applications?

The FHIR Group resource contributes to healthcare interoperability by providing a standardized format for representing and exchanging group-related information. It enables seamless sharing and analysis of data across different healthcare systems and applications that support FHIR, promoting collaboration, research, and population health management.


The FHIR Group resource is a standardized component of the FHIR standard used in healthcare systems. It allows for the organization and management of groups of related individuals or entities. With fields like identifier, type, actual, active, name, characteristic, member, and quantity, the Group resource enables consistent representation and exchange of group-related information.

It supports care team management, patient cohort organization, and research participant grouping. By utilizing the Group resource, healthcare organizations can enhance care coordination, improve interoperability, and streamline data sharing across different entities. It plays a crucial role in promoting efficient healthcare delivery and facilitating collaborative care efforts.

I hope you find this post helpful. Cheers!!!

[Further ReadingsFHIR Person Resource: Demographic Data Interoperability in Healthcare | FHIR RelatedPerson Resource: Revolutionizing Healthcare Interoperability and Seamless Data Exchange |  FHIR Patient Resource: Enabling Seamless Healthcare Data Exchange for Improved Interoperability |  Exploring FHIR Components: A Comprehensive Overview of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources |  FHIR Standard-101: Empowering Interoperability and Data Exchange in Healthcare |  5 Tips for Implementing the DRY Principle in Software Development |  Caching 101: An Overview of Caching Techniques |  Understanding Exceptions in C#: Types, Handling, and Best Practices  ]  

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