Healthcare Interoperability: Exploring the Potential of the FHIR BodyStructure Resource

The FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) BodyStructure resource is an essential component of the FHIR standard, which is designed to facilitate the exchange of healthcare information in a standardized and interoperable manner. FHIR is an HL7 (Health Level Seven) standard developed to streamline data sharing and improve communication between healthcare systems, providers, and patients. The BodyStructure resource, in particular, plays a crucial role in representing anatomical structures and related information within the FHIR framework.


At its core, the FHIR BodyStructure resource serves as a means to capture and share data about various anatomical entities in the human body. These entities can include organs, bones, tissues, and other physiological structures that are relevant to the context of healthcare and medical practice. By providing a standardized way to represent such information, FHIR enables seamless data exchange and integration across different healthcare applications and systems.

The BodyStructure resource contains a set of essential elements that describe the anatomical entity in detail. These elements typically include the structure’s name, its location within the body, a description or textual representation, and potentially other relevant attributes, such as laterality (e.g., left or right) or the presence of a particular pathological condition. This comprehensive set of information allows healthcare professionals and systems to better understand and interpret the anatomical context, contributing to more accurate diagnoses, treatment plans, and medical research.

One of the key advantages of the FHIR BodyStructure resource is its flexibility and extensibility. The FHIR standard adopts a modular approach, enabling the addition of custom extensions to capture domain-specific or institution-specific data. This flexibility ensures that the resource remains adaptable to the diverse needs and workflows of various healthcare organizations and specialties.

FHIR BodyStructure Resource
FHIR BodyStructure Resource

By leveraging the FHIR BodyStructure resource, healthcare stakeholders can promote better care coordination, interoperability, and patient engagement. When implemented in electronic health record (EHR) systems, clinical decision support tools, or medical research databases, the resource enhances data quality, reduces errors, and enables more comprehensive analyses of patient information.

In summary, the FHIR BodyStructure resource is a foundational building block of the FHIR standard that facilitates the representation and exchange of anatomical structure-related data in the healthcare domain. Its standardized format, combined with its flexibility to accommodate custom extensions, empowers healthcare providers, researchers, and patients with improved access to accurate and meaningful anatomical information, ultimately leading to better healthcare outcomes.

Structure of FHIR BodyStructure Resource

Here is the structure of the FHIR BodyStructure resource in JSON format along with an explanation of each element. Other format like XML and Turtle is also present, but for simplicity here we will take the example of JSON format. The complete structure details can be found here.

  "resourceType": "BodyStructure",
  "id": "example-bodystructure",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [""]
  "text": {
    "status": "generated",
    "div": "<div xmlns=\"\">Left Hand Structure</div>"
  "identifier": [
      "system": "",
      "value": "BS001"
  "active": true,
  "morphology": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "113858006",
        "display": "Hand structure (body structure)"
    "text": "Hand structure"
  "location": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "368208006",
        "display": "Left"
    "text": "Left Hand"
  "description": "Anatomical structure of the left hand.",
  "image": [
      "contentType": "image/jpeg",
      "url": "//"
  "patient": {
    "reference": "Patient/example-patient"
  "relatedArtifact": [
      "type": "citation",
      "display": "Reference to research article on hand anatomy",
      "url": ""
  "note": [
      "text": "Patient reports pain in the left hand when gripping."
  "measurement": [
      "description": "Hand circumference",
      "valueQuantity": {
        "value": 20.5,
        "unit": "cm",
        "system": "",
        "code": "cm"
      "description": "Finger length",
      "valueQuantity": {
        "value": 7.2,
        "unit": "cm",
        "system": "",
        "code": "cm"
      "description": "Grip strength",
      "valueQuantity": {
        "value": 35.2,
        "unit": "kg",
        "system": "",
        "code": "kg"

Explanation of JSON elements:

  • resourceType: Indicates that this is a FHIR BodyStructure resource.
  • id: Unique identifier for the BodyStructure resource.
  • meta: Contains metadata, including the profile specifying the structure definition for this resource.
  • text: Human-readable representation of the BodyStructure, in this case, “Left Hand Structure.”
  • identifier: Unique identifier for the BodyStructure, using a custom system and value.
  • active: Indicates whether the BodyStructure is currently active or not (true in this case).
  • morphology: The anatomical structure represented by SNOMED CT code “Hand structure (body structure)”.
  • location: The location of the anatomical structure, specified as “Left” using SNOMED CT code.
  • description: A textual description of the anatomical structure (“Anatomical structure of the left hand.”).
  • image: A reference to an image of the anatomical structure.
  • patient: Reference to the patient to whom this BodyStructure belongs.
  • relatedArtifact: Related research article or resource.
  • note: Additional notes or comments related to the BodyStructure.
  • measurement: A list of device metric values related to the BodyStructure, including hand circumference, finger length, and grip strength, along with their respective units of measurement.

Commonly used fields in FHIR BodyStructure Resource

The FHIR BodyStructure resource is designed to represent anatomical structures and related information in the healthcare domain. The resource offers a range of fields to capture various aspects of the body structure. While the usage of specific fields may vary depending on the implementation and use case, some of the most commonly used fields in the FHIR BodyStructure resource include:

  • identifier: This field allows for the assignment of a unique identifier to the body structure, enabling easy tracking and referencing.
  • active: A boolean field to indicate whether the body structure is currently active or not.
  • morphology: Used to represent the anatomical structure using coding systems such as SNOMED CT, LOINC, or other terminologies.
  • location: Specifies the location of the body structure, often represented using SNOMED CT codes.
  • description: A textual description of the body structure, providing additional details and context.
  • image: This field allows for the inclusion of references to images or multimedia resources that visually represent the body structure.
  • patient: A reference to the patient to whom the body structure belongs, allowing for easy association with patient records.
  • relatedArtifact: Used to link related artifacts, such as research articles or educational resources, providing further information about the body structure.
  • note: This field allows for the inclusion of additional notes or comments related to the body structure, facilitating communication between healthcare providers.

While the above fields are commonly used, it is essential to consider the specific requirements of each implementation and use case. Depending on the context and purpose, other fields, extensions, or custom elements may also be employed to ensure comprehensive representation and interoperability of anatomical information. The flexibility of FHIR allows for customization to accommodate diverse healthcare scenarios and organizational needs.

A use case where FHIR BodyStructure Resource can be utilized

Use Case: Anatomical Structure Documentation for Prosthetic Fitting

Description: In this use case, a patient requires a custom prosthetic limb, and precise documentation of their anatomical structure is crucial to ensure a proper fit and functionality of the prosthetic. The healthcare team needs a standardized way to record and share the patient’s anatomical details, including measurements and specific information related to the amputated limb or limb segment.

Solution: The FHIR BodyStructure resource can be utilized to address this use case effectively. When a patient undergoes an amputation or has a congenital limb deficiency, healthcare providers can create a BodyStructure resource to capture the details of the residual limb that requires the prosthetic fitting.

  1. Identifier: The resource can be assigned a unique identifier to facilitate tracking and retrieval of the patient’s anatomical data throughout the treatment process.
  2. Active: The “active” field can indicate the current status of the anatomical structure, whether it is an active issue or relates to a historical amputation.
  3. Morphology: The “morphology” field can represent the specific anatomical structure using appropriate coding systems, such as SNOMED CT, to precisely identify the limb segment or amputation site.
  4. Location: The “location” field can specify the exact location of the residual limb or the site of amputation, providing valuable information for the prosthetic design.
  5. Description: A textual description can be included to provide additional context about the residual limb’s characteristics or any particular considerations for prosthetic fitting.
  6. Image: Healthcare providers can attach images or multimedia resources showing the residual limb to assist the prosthetist in understanding the patient’s anatomical structure better.
  7. Patient: The resource can reference the patient’s record, associating the anatomical information with the patient’s overall medical history.
  8. RelatedArtifact: If there are relevant research articles, guidelines, or educational resources on prosthetic fitting for similar anatomical structures, they can be linked using the “relatedArtifact” field to aid in decision-making and treatment planning.
  9. Note: Providers can include any additional notes or comments about the patient’s limb condition, previous prosthetic fittings, or patient-reported concerns to guide the prosthetic design process.

By utilizing the FHIR BodyStructure resource, healthcare providers can maintain standardized and interoperable documentation of patients’ anatomical structures, enabling seamless communication between various healthcare systems and ensuring accurate prosthetic fittings. This approach enhances patient care, reduces errors, and facilitates collaboration among healthcare professionals involved in the prosthetic fitting process.

Here are a few general or interview questions related to the BodyStructure resource, which aims to gauge your knowledge about the resource, its practical application, and your understanding of healthcare interoperability principles.

1. What is the FHIR BodyStructure resource, and what is its primary purpose in the FHIR standard?

The FHIR BodyStructure resource is a fundamental component of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard, designed to facilitate the representation and exchange of anatomical structures and related information in the healthcare domain. Its primary purpose is to provide a standardized and interoperable way to describe various physiological entities such as organs, bones, and tissues, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different healthcare systems and applications.

2. What are the key elements of the FHIR BodyStructure resource, and what information does each element represent?

The key elements of the FHIR BodyStructure resource include:

  • identifier: A unique identifier assigned to the body structure for tracking and referencing purposes.
  • active: A boolean field indicating whether the body structure is currently active or historical.
  • morphology: Represents the anatomical structure using coding systems (e.g., SNOMED CT), providing a standardized description.
  • location: Specifies the location of the body structure using coding systems, facilitating precise anatomical mapping.
  • description: A textual description offering additional context about the anatomical structure.
  • image: Allows referencing images or multimedia resources that visually represent the body structure.
  • patient: A reference to the patient to associate the body structure with the patient’s medical history.
  • relatedArtifact: Links to related research articles or educational resources related to the body structure.
  • note: Additional notes or comments concerning the body structure.

3. How can the FHIR BodyStructure resource be used to represent anatomical structures in a healthcare context, provide an example scenario.

In a healthcare context, the FHIR BodyStructure resource can be utilized to document and share essential anatomical information for various clinical scenarios. For example, when a patient undergoes surgery or is diagnosed with a specific medical condition, the resource can represent the affected anatomical structure. Suppose a patient has a diagnosis of “Fractured Left Radius.” The FHIR BodyStructure resource can describe the anatomical details, such as the left radius bone as the morphological structure, and specify the “Left” location. This standardized representation ensures that different healthcare systems and professionals can accurately interpret and exchange information about the patient’s fractured radius.

4. Explain the importance of using standardized coding systems, such as SNOMED CT, in the “morphology” and “location” fields of the BodyStructure resource.

Standardized coding systems, like SNOMED CT, play a crucial role in the “morphology” and “location” fields of the FHIR BodyStructure resource. These coding systems provide a consistent and well-defined way to represent anatomical structures and locations, ensuring semantic interoperability among different healthcare organizations and systems. By using standardized codes, healthcare professionals can easily understand and interpret anatomical details without ambiguity, reducing errors and miscommunication. Moreover, these codes support seamless data exchange and retrieval, as they are recognized and implemented across various health information systems.

5. In a practical implementation, how can the FHIR BodyStructure resource contribute to better care coordination and interoperability between different healthcare systems?

The FHIR BodyStructure resource enhances care coordination and interoperability by providing a shared format for representing anatomical structures. When multiple healthcare systems use the same FHIR standard to store and exchange data, care providers can access accurate and consistent anatomical information about patients. This facilitates seamless communication, collaborative decision-making, and a comprehensive view of the patient’s medical history across different healthcare settings. Additionally, standardized data exchange reduces the need for data mapping and translation, streamlining the integration of information between diverse systems and improving overall care quality.

6. Describe the significance of the “identifier” field in the BodyStructure resource. How can it be useful in real-world healthcare scenarios?

The “identifier” field in the FHIR BodyStructure resource serves as a unique identifier for the anatomical structure record. It holds a specific value assigned by the healthcare system or provider to distinguish the structure from others. In real-world healthcare scenarios, this identifier is crucial for tracking and referencing the anatomical structure across different systems and applications. It ensures that healthcare professionals can easily retrieve and link relevant data related to a specific anatomical structure, streamlining care coordination, research, and reporting.

7. How does the “image” field in the BodyStructure resource enhance the representation of anatomical structures, and what type of data can it contain?

The “image” field in the FHIR BodyStructure resource allows for the inclusion of references to images or multimedia resources that visually represent the anatomical structure. It enhances the representation of anatomical structures by providing visual context, which can be valuable for healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients. The data within the “image” field can contain URLs linking to images, image descriptions, or any media type relevant to depicting the anatomical structure. For example, it might include X-rays, MRI scans, photographs, or diagrams illustrating the specific structure being documented.

8. Discuss the “relatedArtifact” field in the context of the BodyStructure resource. How can this field be leveraged to support clinical decision-making?

The “relatedArtifact” field in the FHIR BodyStructure resource allows for the inclusion of related artifacts, such as research articles, guidelines, or educational resources, that are relevant to the anatomical structure being documented. Healthcare professionals can use this field to link and reference critical information related to the structure, supporting evidence-based decision-making. For instance, the field can include links to articles discussing surgical techniques, rehabilitation protocols, or medical studies related to the specific anatomical structure. This information aids clinicians in accessing valuable knowledge and best practices, ultimately influencing their clinical decision-making process.

9. Suppose a healthcare application needs to store additional anatomical measurements, such as bone length or muscle thickness, for a specific body structure. How can this be achieved using the FHIR standard?

To store additional anatomical measurements for a specific body structure using the FHIR standard, developers can use FHIR extensions. Extensions allow for custom data elements to be added to FHIR resources beyond the standard set of fields. For this scenario, an extension can be defined to capture the required measurements (e.g., bone length, muscle thickness) along with appropriate units of measurement. The extension should follow FHIR’s guidelines and naming conventions, ensuring that the additional data can be appropriately interpreted by other systems and applications that support the same extension.

10. Explain the concept of extensions in the FHIR BodyStructure resource. Provide an example of when custom extensions might be necessary and how they enhance interoperability.

In the FHIR BodyStructure resource, extensions allow for the addition of custom elements to capture domain-specific or institution-specific data beyond the standard set of fields. Custom extensions are necessary when specific use cases require the inclusion of additional information that may not be covered by the standard resource definition.

For example, in a research study on hand anatomy, a custom extension could be created to store specific hand measurements obtained from medical imaging devices. By including these measurements using extensions, the interoperability of data is maintained across different systems and applications that understand and process the same custom extension, enabling seamless sharing and analysis of hand anatomy data across research institutions and healthcare settings.

11. In the context of patient privacy and security, how should sensitive information related to anatomical structures be handled when utilizing the FHIR BodyStructure resource?

When dealing with sensitive information related to anatomical structures, healthcare providers should follow the principles of data privacy and security outlined in regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Patient consent should be obtained before storing and sharing any sensitive anatomical data.

Anonymization and de-identification techniques can also be applied to protect patient identities while still retaining the usefulness of the data for research and analysis. Implementing access controls and encryption mechanisms within FHIR systems helps safeguard sensitive anatomical information from unauthorized access and disclosure.

12. Can you describe a use case where the FHIR BodyStructure resource is particularly beneficial or essential in the context of healthcare data exchange?

One use case where the FHIR BodyStructure resource is beneficial is in the field of orthopedics. When patients require joint replacement surgery, detailed and standardized documentation of their anatomical structures is crucial for surgical planning and prosthetic fitting. The FHIR BodyStructure resource can efficiently represent specific joint structures, such as a “Right Hip Joint” or “Left Knee Joint,” along with relevant measurements and images. This standardized representation facilitates seamless data exchange between the orthopedic surgeon, radiologists, and prosthetists, ensuring accurate diagnoses, treatment plans, and prosthetic fittings.

13. How can the FHIR BodyStructure resource contribute to patient engagement and education when integrated into patient portals or healthcare apps?

Integrating the FHIR BodyStructure resource into patient portals or healthcare apps can empower patients with better access to their own anatomical information. Through visual representations and descriptions of their anatomical structures, patients can gain a deeper understanding of their medical conditions and treatment options. Educational resources and links to relevant articles within the “relatedArtifact” field can further enhance patient engagement by providing valuable information about their specific anatomical structures. This patient-centric approach fosters a sense of ownership over their healthcare journey, encouraging proactive involvement and shared decision-making with healthcare providers.

14. Discuss the advantages and challenges of using FHIR as the standard for representing anatomical structures compared to other healthcare data exchange standards.

The advantages of using FHIR for representing anatomical structures lie in its modern design and flexibility. FHIR adopts a resource-based approach, making it easier to represent complex anatomical data with standard and custom resources. Its modular architecture allows for easy extension, accommodating diverse anatomical structures and measurements. Additionally, FHIR’s support for internationalization and localization ensures seamless exchange of data across language barriers.

However, challenges include ensuring consistent implementation across different healthcare systems, especially in the absence of strict data validation. While FHIR strives for interoperability, varying levels of adoption and customizations can lead to inconsistencies. Addressing these challenges requires clear implementation guidelines, thorough testing, and continuous refinement of FHIR profiles to promote true data interoperability in healthcare.


In conclusion, the FHIR BodyStructure resource plays a pivotal role in advancing healthcare data interoperability and standardization. By providing a standardized format to represent anatomical structures and related information, the FHIR BodyStructure resource fosters seamless communication and collaboration among healthcare systems, clinicians, and researchers. This resource facilitates precise documentation of various physiological entities, such as organs, bones, and tissues, ensuring that critical anatomical details are accurately captured and easily accessible to support evidence-based decision-making and patient care.

Moreover, the FHIR BodyStructure resource empowers patients with a deeper understanding of their own anatomical structures through patient portals and healthcare apps. By integrating images and educational resources, patients can actively engage in their healthcare journey, enhancing shared decision-making with healthcare providers. While challenges may exist in maintaining consistent implementation across diverse systems, FHIR’s modular design and flexibility offer a promising foundation for achieving true data interoperability in healthcare. As healthcare continues to advance, the FHIR BodyStructure resource remains an indispensable tool, enabling efficient data exchange, better care coordination, and improved patient outcomes.

I hope you find this post helpful. Cheers!!!

[Further Readings: FHIR Specimen Resource  | FHIR MolecularSequence Resource |  FHIR ImagingStudy Resource | FHIR DocumentReference Resource |  FHIR DiagnosticReport Resource |  FHIR Observation Resource |  FHIR NutritionOrder Resource |  FHIR NutritionIntake Resource |   FHIR RiskAssessment Resource |  FHIR VisionPrescription Resource |  FHIR ServiceRequest Resource | FHIR DetectedIssue Resource |  FHIR ClinicalImpression Resource |  FHIR CareTeam Resource |  FHIR Goal Resource |  FHIR CarePlan Resource |  FHIR AdverseEvent Resource |  FHIR FamilyMemberHistory Resource |  FHIR Procedure Resource |  FHIR Condition Resource | FHIR InventoryItem Resource |  FHIR Substance Resource |  FHIR DeviceMetric Resource |  FHIR DeviceDefinition Resource |  FHIR Device Resource |  FHIR NutritionProduct Resource |  FHIR BiologicallyDerivedProduct Resource |  | Dependency Injection in WPF ]

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