.NET Core, developed by Microsoft, serves as a powerful and open-source framework for building modern, cross-platform applications. If you’re eager to dive into the world of console application development, .NET Core and its Command-Line Interface (CLI) tools provide an accessible and efficient way to get started. In the article, we will explore how to create a console application using the .NET CLI
Setting the Stage: Downloading .NET Core
Begin your journey by downloading the latest version of .NET Core from the official website dotnet.microsoft.com. The installation process is straightforward and tailored to various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Unveiling the CLI Magic
At the heart of .NET Core lies the Command-Line Interface (CLI) tools, offering a suite of commands to simplify the development process. These tools are indispensable for creating, building, and running applications from the command line, providing a streamlined alternative to graphical interfaces.
The .NET CLI operates on a set of commands, each serving a specific purpose. Here are a few fundamental commands:
dotnet new
: Initializes a new project based on a specified template.dotnet build
: Compiles the source code of a project.dotnet run
: Builds and runs the project.dotnet publish
: Publishes the application for deployment.
Command Structure
CLI commands typically follow this structure:
dotnet [command] [arguments] [options]
For example, to create a new console application, you would use:
dotnet new console -n MyConsoleApp
This command initializes a new console application named “MyConsoleApp.”
Exploring Installed Project Templates
To list the installed project templates execute the following command
dotnet new --list
Here is the sample output on my machine, this may differ as per your installed version
dotnet new --list Warning: use of 'dotnet new --list' is deprecated. Use 'dotnet new list' instead. For more information, run: dotnet new list -h These templates matched your input: Template Name Short Name Language Tags -------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------------------------------- ASP.NET Core Empty web [C#],F# Web/Empty ASP.NET Core gRPC Service grpc [C#] Web/gRPC ASP.NET Core Web API webapi [C#],F# Web/WebAPI ASP.NET Core Web App webapp,razor [C#] Web/MVC/Razor Pages ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller) mvc [C#],F# Web/MVC ASP.NET Core with Angular angular [C#] Web/MVC/SPA ASP.NET Core with React.js react [C#] Web/MVC/SPA Blazor Server App blazorserver [C#] Web/Blazor Blazor Server App Empty blazorserver-empty [C#] Web/Blazor/Empty Blazor WebAssembly App blazorwasm [C#] Web/Blazor/WebAssembly/PWA Blazor WebAssembly App Empty blazorwasm-empty [C#] Web/Blazor/WebAssembly/PWA/Empty Class Library classlib [C#],F#,VB Common/Library Console App console [C#],F#,VB Common/Console dotnet gitignore file gitignore Config Dotnet local tool manifest file tool-manifest Config EditorConfig file editorconfig Config global.json file globaljson Config MSBuild Directory.Build.props file buildprops MSBuild/props MSBuild Directory.Build.targets file buildtargets MSBuild/props MSTest Test Project mstest [C#],F#,VB Test/MSTest MVC ViewImports viewimports [C#] Web/ASP.NET MVC ViewStart viewstart [C#] Web/ASP.NET NuGet Config nugetconfig Config NUnit 3 Test Item nunit-test [C#],F#,VB Test/NUnit NUnit 3 Test Project nunit [C#],F#,VB Test/NUnit Protocol Buffer File proto Web/gRPC Razor Class Library razorclasslib [C#] Web/Razor/Library Razor Component razorcomponent [C#] Web/ASP.NET Razor Page page [C#] Web/ASP.NET Solution File sln,solution Solution Web Config webconfig Config Windows Forms App winforms [C#],VB Common/WinForms Windows Forms Class Library winformslib [C#],VB Common/WinForms Windows Forms Control Library winformscontrollib [C#],VB Common/WinForms Worker Service worker [C#],F# Common/Worker/Web WPF Application wpf [C#],VB Common/WPF WPF Class Library wpflib [C#],VB Common/WPF WPF Custom Control Library wpfcustomcontrollib [C#],VB Common/WPF WPF User Control Library wpfusercontrollib [C#],VB Common/WPF xUnit Test Project xunit [C#],F#,VB Test/xUnit
Customizing Project Creation
Let’s say you want to create a web application using the ASP.NET Core template. You would use:
dotnet new web -n MyWebApp
Creating and Running a Console Application
Now, let’s walk through creating and running a console application:
1. Initialize a New Console Application
dotnet new console -n "MyApp" PS C:\test> dotnet new console -n "MyApp" The template "Console App" was created successfully. Processing post-creation actions... Restoring C:\test\MyApp\MyApp.csproj: Determining projects to restore... C:\test\MyApp\MyApp.csproj : warning NU1803: You are running the 'restore' operation with an 'HTTP' source, 'http://im1nuget/nuget'. Non-HTTPS access will be removed in a future version. Consider migrating to an 'HTTPS' source. Restored C:\test\MyApp\MyApp.csproj (in 127 ms). Restore succeeded.
Replace “MyApp” with your chosen project name. The command automatically restores the project dependencies.
2. Navigate to the Project Directory
cd MyApp
3. Build and Run the Application
dotnet run PS C:\test\MyApp> dotnet run C:\test\MyApp\MyApp.csproj : warning NU1803: You are running the 'restore' operation with an 'HTTP' source, 'http://im1nuget/nuget'. Non-HTTPS access will be removed in a future version. Consider migrating to an 'HTTPS' source. C:\test\MyApp\MyApp.csproj : warning NU1803: You are running the 'restore' operation with an 'HTTP' source, 'http://im1nuget/nuget'. Non-HTTPS access will be removed in a future version. Consider migrating to an 'HTTPS' source. Hello, World!
On running the application we get the above output.
In essence, the .NET CLI is not just a set of commands; it’s a gateway to efficient, command-based development. Embrace the CLI journey, experiment with different commands, and unlock the full potential of .NET Core in your projects. The examples provided are just a glimpse into the vast capabilities of the CLI tools—there’s a world of possibilities waiting for you to explore.
I hope you find this post helpful. Cheers!!!
[Further Readings: FHIR ResearchSubject Resource | FHIR ResearchStudy Resource | FHIR TestReport Resource | FHIR TestScript Resource | FHIR TestPlan Resource | FHIR MeasureReport Resource | FHIR Measure Resource | FHIR EvidenceVariable Resource | FHIR EvidenceReport Resource | FHIR Evidence Resource | FHIR Citation Resource | FHIR ArtifactAssessment Resource | FHIR VerificationResult Resource | FHIR InventoryReport Resource | FHIR OrganizationAffiliation Resource | FHIR SupplyDelivery Resource | FHIR SupplyRequest Resource | FHIR GuidanceResponse Resource | FHIR DeviceAssociation Resource | FHIR DeviceDispense Resource | FHIR DeviceRequest Resource | FHIR QuestionnaireResponse Resource | FHIR Questionnaire Resource | FHIR PlanDefinition Resource | FHIR Task Resource | FHIR RegulatedAuthorization Resource | FHIR ManufacturedItemDefinition Resource | FHIR AdministrableProductDefinition Resource | FHIR PackagedProductDefinition Resource | FHIR ClinicalUseDefinition Resource | Dependency Injection in WPF ]