Healthcare Interoperability: Exploring the Potential of the FHIR Contract Resource

The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Contract Resource is a vital component of the FHIR standard, specifically designed to facilitate the exchange of legally significant information within the healthcare domain. FHIR itself is an open standard developed by the healthcare industry to enhance the sharing and management of health-related data among different systems and stakeholders. The Contract Resource, introduced as part of the FHIR Release 4 (R4) specification, addresses the need for structured representation and exchange of various types of contracts and agreements in the healthcare ecosystem.


At its core, the FHIR Contract Resource serves as a standardized means of capturing and conveying the terms, conditions, and obligations that underpin healthcare-related agreements. These agreements can encompass a wide range of scenarios, including patient consent, insurance policies, research participation agreements, service level agreements between healthcare providers and institutions, and much more. By encapsulating legal, clinical, and administrative elements in a structured format, the Contract Resource enables better comprehension, sharing, and management of the intricate details associated with these agreements.

The resource employs a flexible and extensible framework to accommodate diverse contractual contexts, ensuring that it can adapt to the varying complexities and requirements of healthcare contracts. It incorporates elements to capture essential information such as effective dates, parties involved, contractual rules, obligations, permissions, and restrictions. This structured approach enhances interoperability and compatibility among different healthcare systems, promoting seamless data exchange and reducing the potential for misunderstandings or discrepancies that may arise due to inconsistent interpretation of contractual terms.

One of the key advantages of the FHIR Contract Resource is its capacity to support different granularities of contracts. From simple consents for specific medical procedures to complex multi-party agreements spanning multiple healthcare domains, the resource’s adaptability ensures that it can effectively represent a wide spectrum of contractual relationships. Furthermore, the Contract Resource aligns with legal and regulatory frameworks, promoting transparency, patient autonomy, and accountability in healthcare agreements. This alignment enhances patient trust and confidence in the handling of their sensitive health information.

FHIR Contract Resource
FHIR Contract Resource

In essence, the FHIR Contract Resource represents a significant stride towards harmonizing legal and clinical aspects within the healthcare sector. By providing a standardized format for representing contracts and agreements, it contributes to the overall interoperability and data-sharing objectives of the FHIR standard, ultimately benefiting patients, healthcare providers, institutions, researchers, and other stakeholders alike. As the healthcare industry continues to embrace digital transformation and the exchange of health information becomes more sophisticated, the Contract Resource emerges as a crucial enabler of efficient, secure, and legally compliant data-sharing practices.

Structure of FHIR Contract Resource

Here is the structure of the FHIR Contract resource in JSON format along with an explanation of each element. Other format like XML and Turtle is also present, but for simplicity here we will take the example of JSON format. The complete structure details can be found here.

  "resourceType": "Contract",
  "id": "example-contract",
  "status": "active",
  "issued": "2023-08-10T12:00:00Z",
  "subject": [
      "reference": "Patient/12345",
      "display": "John Doe"
  "term": [
      "identifier": {
        "system": "",
        "value": "term-1"
      "issued": "2023-08-01T00:00:00Z",
      "applies": {
        "start": "2023-08-01T00:00:00Z",
        "end": "2023-09-01T00:00:00Z"
      "type": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "device-metrics",
            "display": "Device Metrics"
      "subType": [
          "coding": [
              "system": "",
              "code": "heart-rate",
              "display": "Heart Rate"
      "text": "Monthly heart rate monitoring agreement",
      "asset": [
          "type": {
            "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "wearable-device",
                "display": "Wearable Device"
          "identifier": {
            "system": "",
            "value": "WEAR123"
          "usage": {
            "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "personal-health",
                "display": "Personal Health"
          "metric": [
              "type": {
                "coding": [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "heart-rate",
                    "display": "Heart Rate"
              "valueQuantity": {
                "value": 75,
                "unit": "bpm",
                "system": "",
                "code": "/min"
              "source": {
                "reference": "Device/WEAR123"

Explanation of the JSON elements:

  • resourceType: Indicates that this is a “Contract” resource.
  • id: An identifier for the contract.
  • status: The current status of the contract (“active” in this case).
  • issued: The date the contract was issued.
  • subject: The party or entity the contract pertains to (in this case, a patient named John Doe).
  • term: Represents the terms and conditions of the contract.
    • identifier: Unique identifier for the term.
    • issued: Date the term was issued.
    • applies: Duration during which the term is applicable.
    • type: Type of the term (device metrics agreement).
    • subType: Subtype of the term (heart rate monitoring).
    • text: Human-readable description of the term.
    • asset: Represents the subject matter of the term (a wearable device).
      • type: Type of asset (wearable device).
      • identifier: Unique identifier for the asset.
      • usage: Usage context of the asset (personal health).
      • metric: Device metric captured under the term.
        • type: Type of metric (heart rate).
        • valueQuantity: Value of the metric (75 bpm).
        • source: Reference to the source device (Device/WEAR123).

Commonly used fields in FHIR Contract Resource

The FHIR Contract Resource is a versatile structure designed to accommodate various types of contracts and agreements within the healthcare domain. While the specific fields used can vary depending on the nature of the contract, here are some of the most commonly used fields within the FHIR Contract Resource:

  • id: A unique identifier for the contract resource.
  • status: Indicates the current status of the contract (e.g., “active,” “draft,” “terminated”).
  • issued: The date when the contract was issued or created.
  • applies: The period during which the contract’s terms and conditions are applicable.
  • subject: The party or entity to which the contract applies (e.g., patient, provider).
  • term: Represents individual terms or sections within the contract.
    • type: Describes the type of term or section (e.g., consent, financial responsibility).
    • subType: Further categorizes the type of term (e.g., treatment consent, research consent).
    • topic: The main subject matter of the term (e.g., procedure, research study).
    • text: A human-readable description of the term’s content.
    • securityLabel: Specifies any security or privacy labels associated with the term.
  • signer: Identifies individuals or entities that have signed the contract.
    • type: Role of the signer (e.g., patient, witness, legal representative).
    • party: Reference to the entity that is signing the contract.
    • signature: The actual digital or physical signature of the signer.
  • friendly: Human-friendly representation of the contract content, often for summary or display purposes.
  • legal: Legal or machine-readable representation of the contract content, often for automated processing.
  • rule: Rules and conditions governing the contract’s behavior or enforcement.
    • contentAttachment: Attachments providing additional rule-related documentation.
    • contentReference: References to external resources containing rule-related documentation.
  • action: Specific actions or behaviors defined within the contract.
    • subject: The focus or target of the action (e.g., patient, device).
    • intent: The purpose or goal of the action (e.g., treatment, payment).
    • status: The current status of the action (e.g., requested, completed).
    • context: The context or environment in which the action occurs.
  • asset: Represents an entity or resource that is the subject of the contract.
    • type: The type or category of the asset (e.g., medication, device).
    • subtype: Further categorization of the asset type.
    • identifier: Identifiers associated with the asset (e.g., serial number).
    • usePeriod: The time period during which the asset is in use.
  • valuedItem: Items, products, or services associated with the contract and their monetary values.
    • entityCodeableConcept: The item being valued (e.g., procedure, medication).
    • factor: A factor applied to the base value to calculate the item’s value.
    • amount: The calculated monetary value of the item.
    • payment: Payment terms associated with the item.
    • effectiveTime: The time period during which the valuation is effective.

These are some of the most commonly used fields within the FHIR Contract Resource. Depending on the specific use case, additional fields or extensions may also be employed to capture additional details or nuances of contractual agreements in the healthcare domain.

A use case where FHIR Contract Resource can be utilized

Use Case: Remote Patient Monitoring Agreement

Description: In the evolving landscape of healthcare, remote patient monitoring has gained prominence as a means to enhance patient care and reduce hospital readmissions. In this scenario, healthcare providers collaborate with patients to remotely monitor their health conditions, often involving the use of wearable devices to capture vital signs and metrics. To establish clear expectations and legal boundaries, a well-defined contract is essential between the healthcare provider and the patient who participates in remote patient monitoring.

Solution: The FHIR Contract Resource offers an ideal solution for structuring and managing remote patient monitoring agreements. Here’s how it can be utilized:

  1. Use of FHIR Contract Resource: The healthcare provider creates an FHIR Contract Resource to formalize the remote patient monitoring agreement. The resource serves as a structured document that outlines the terms, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties.
  2. Contract Terms: Within the FHIR Contract Resource, the “term” element is used to define the duration of the monitoring agreement. It specifies the start and end dates during which the patient’s health will be monitored remotely.
  3. Subject and Signer Information: The “subject” field indicates the patient who will be monitored, and the “signer” field records both the patient’s and provider’s signatures, ensuring mutual consent and acknowledgment of the terms.
  4. Device Metrics and Assets: Under the “asset” element, the wearable device used for monitoring is described. The type of device, identifier, and usage context are documented. Additionally, the “metric” element captures specific metrics, such as heart rate, captured by the device.
  5. Rights and Responsibilities: The “term” element includes a “text” field that elaborates on the responsibilities of both parties. This section outlines how data will be collected, shared, and used, addressing privacy concerns and patient data rights.
  6. Enforcement Rules: If there are rules governing the contract’s enforcement, the “rule” element can be employed to specify the conditions under which the contract is valid or becomes void.
  7. Payment Terms (Optional): If there are financial arrangements associated with the remote patient monitoring, the “valuedItem” element can be used to detail payment terms for the services provided.

By using the FHIR Contract Resource, healthcare providers and patients can create a clear and standardized agreement that ensures transparency, legal compliance, and ethical data handling throughout the remote patient monitoring process. This solution not only enhances patient-provider communication but also contributes to improved patient outcomes by fostering trust and accountability in remote healthcare practices.

Here are a few general or interview questions related to the Contract resource, which aims to gauge your knowledge about the resource, its practical application, and your understanding of healthcare interoperability principles.

1. What is the FHIR Contract Resource, and how does it fit into the FHIR standard?

The FHIR Contract Resource is a standardized structure within the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard designed to represent various types of healthcare contracts and agreements. It provides a framework for capturing the terms, conditions, and obligations of contractual relationships in the healthcare domain. The FHIR Contract Resource aligns with FHIR’s goal of enhancing interoperability and data exchange across different healthcare systems and stakeholders.

2. Can you explain the purpose of the FHIR Contract Resource in the healthcare domain?

The FHIR Contract Resource serves as a means to represent legally significant healthcare agreements in a structured format. It enables healthcare providers, patients, institutions, and other parties to define, share, and manage contractual terms and obligations related to consent, treatment, research participation, remote monitoring, and more. By standardizing the representation of contracts, the resource promotes clarity, transparency, and consistency in contractual relationships, ultimately enhancing patient care and data-sharing practices.

3. What are some common use cases for utilizing the FHIR Contract Resource?

The FHIR Contract Resource finds application in a variety of healthcare scenarios. It can be used to capture patient consent for medical procedures, research participation agreements, financial responsibility agreements, remote patient monitoring agreements, and service-level agreements between healthcare providers and institutions. Essentially, any situation that involves defining and communicating the terms, permissions, obligations, and restrictions of a healthcare contract can benefit from using the FHIR Contract Resource.

4. Describe the key elements or components that are typically included in a FHIR Contract Resource.

An FHIR Contract Resource contains several key elements:

  • id: A unique identifier for the contract.
  • status: The current status of the contract (e.g., active, draft).
  • issued: The date the contract was issued or created.
  • subject: The party or entity to which the contract applies.
  • term: Represents individual terms or sections within the contract.
  • signer: Identifies individuals or entities that have signed the contract.
  • asset: Represents an entity that is the subject of the contract.
  • rule: Defines rules or conditions governing the contract’s behavior.
  • action: Specifies actions or behaviors defined within the contract.
  • friendly: A human-readable summary of the contract content.
  • legal: A machine-readable representation of the contract content.

5. How does the FHIR Contract Resource promote interoperability and data sharing in healthcare agreements?

The FHIR Contract Resource promotes interoperability by providing a standardized and structured format for representing healthcare contracts. Its use of standardized coding systems and terminology ensures semantic consistency, enabling different systems and stakeholders to accurately interpret contract terms. This standardization facilitates seamless data exchange and sharing among diverse healthcare IT systems, promoting accurate understanding and consistent implementation of contractual agreements across different environments.

6. What is the significance of the “term” element within the FHIR Contract Resource?

The “term” element represents individual terms or sections within the contract that outline specific conditions, obligations, or permissions. It captures details such as the term’s type (e.g., consent, financial responsibility), its duration (start and end dates), any subtypes (further categorization), and textual descriptions that explain its content. The “term” element allows for the structured representation of different aspects of the contract, ensuring that contractual obligations are well-defined and can be easily understood.

7. How is the “signer” element used to represent individuals or entities involved in the contract?

The “signer” element identifies individuals or entities that have signed the contract. It includes fields such as the signer’s role or type (e.g., patient, witness), a reference to the party that is signing (e.g., Patient or Practitioner), and the actual signature data. The “signer” element ensures that all parties involved are acknowledged and their signatures are captured within the contract, promoting legal validity and accountability.

8. Explain how the “asset” element is employed to define the subject matter of the contract.

The “asset” element defines an entity or resource that is the subject matter of the contract. It includes details such as the type of asset (e.g., medication, device), identifiers specific to the asset (e.g., serial number), and contextual information about how the asset is used (e.g., usage code). The “asset” element provides a structured way to capture essential information about the entities or resources involved in the contract, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the contractual relationship.

9. What is the purpose of the “rule” element, and how does it relate to contract enforcement?

The “rule” element captures rules and conditions that govern the contract’s behavior or enforcement. It specifies conditions that must be met for the contract to be valid or circumstances under which the contract may become void. By detailing enforcement rules, the “rule” element ensures that parties involved understand the conditions under which the contract holds legal significance and clarifies the consequences of non-compliance.

10. Describe the “valuedItem” element and its role in the FHIR Contract Resource.

The “valuedItem” element represents items, products, or services associated with the contract and their corresponding monetary values. It’s commonly used in contracts where financial aspects are involved. This element includes information such as the item being valued (e.g., procedure, medication), a factor that may affect the item’s value, the calculated monetary amount, and payment terms. The “valuedItem” element ensures that both parties understand the value associated with specific items or services outlined in the contract.

11. How are legal and human-readable representations of contract content differentiated within the resource?

The FHIR Contract Resource distinguishes between legal and human-readable representations of contract content. The “legal” element contains machine-readable content that can be used for automated processing, while the “friendly” element provides a human-readable summary or representation of the contract’s key details. This differentiation allows for the use of contracts in both human-facing scenarios (e.g., patient communication) and automated systems (e.g., billing processes) without compromising clarity or accuracy.

12. Can you provide an example of a real-world scenario where the FHIR Contract Resource would be beneficial?

Imagine a scenario where a patient is enrolling in a clinical trial. The FHIR Contract Resource could be used to create a structured representation of the research participation agreement. It would define terms such as the trial’s purpose, procedures, risks, benefits, confidentiality measures, and the patient’s consent to participate. This resource ensures that all parties, including the patient and the research institution, have a standardized understanding of the agreement’s terms and obligations.

13. How would you model a patient’s consent for a specific medical procedure using the FHIR Contract Resource?

To model a patient’s consent for a medical procedure, you would create a FHIR Contract Resource. The “term” element would capture the consent type (e.g., treatment consent), the subject (patient), and the text describing the procedure and its potential risks. The “signer” element would identify the patient as the signer, and the “friendly” element would summarize the procedure’s details in a human-readable form. This resource would ensure that the patient’s consent for the procedure is well-defined and documented.

14. In the context of a research participation agreement, how would you structure the FHIR Contract Resource to capture the terms and conditions?

For a research participation agreement, you would use the FHIR Contract Resource to define the terms and conditions of the research study. The “term” element would outline the study’s purpose, procedures, data collection methods, privacy protections, and the patient’s consent. The “asset” element would describe the research study as the subject, and the “rule” element could specify conditions for data usage and sharing. This structured representation ensures that both the patient and the research institution understand their responsibilities and rights.


In conclusion, the FHIR Contract Resource stands as a cornerstone of the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard, serving as a pivotal tool in streamlining and enhancing the management of healthcare agreements and contracts. By providing a structured and standardized framework, this resource empowers stakeholders across the healthcare spectrum to accurately define, communicate, and uphold the terms, obligations, and permissions inherent in various contractual relationships. Whether it’s patient consent, research participation agreements, remote monitoring arrangements, or financial responsibilities, the FHIR Contract Resource fosters clarity, transparency, and legal compliance.

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, where precision and interoperability are paramount, the FHIR Contract Resource offers a unifying language that bridges the gap between legal documentation and clinical intricacies. It not only ensures a comprehensive and consistent understanding of contractual nuances but also strengthens patient-provider trust through its transparent representation of rights and responsibilities. As healthcare systems continue to transition toward digital transformation and data sharing, the FHIR Contract Resource emerges as a vital instrument that promotes effective communication, ethical data handling, and a standardized approach to contractual relationships in the pursuit of improved patient care and health information management.

I hope you find this post helpful. Cheers!!!

[Further Readings: FHIR ImmunizationRecommendation Resource | FHIR ImmunizationEvaluation Resource |  FHIR Immunization Resource |  FHIR FormularyItem Resource | FHIR MedicationKnowledge Resource | FHIR Medication Resource |  FHIR MedicationStatement Resource |  FHIR MedicationAdministration Resource |  FHIR MedicationDispense Resource |  FHIR MedicationRequest Resource |  FHIR BodyStructure Resource | FHIR Specimen Resource  | FHIR MolecularSequence Resource |  FHIR ImagingStudy Resource | FHIR DocumentReference Resource |  FHIR DiagnosticReport Resource |  FHIR Observation Resource |  FHIR NutritionOrder Resource |  FHIR NutritionIntake Resource |   Dependency Injection in WPF ]

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