Healthcare Interoperability: Exploring the Potential of the FHIR MolecularSequence Resource

The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically, designed to improve interoperability and data sharing across different healthcare systems. One of the key components is the FHIR MolecularSequence resource, which plays a crucial role in representing genetic and genomic data within the FHIR framework.


The FHIR MolecularSequence resource is specifically designed to capture information related to genetic sequences, variations, and other molecular-level data. It enables healthcare providers, researchers, and patients to record and exchange genetic information in a structured and standardized format. This resource facilitates the integration of genomic data with other clinical and administrative information, providing a comprehensive view of a patient’s health profile.

The core elements of the FHIR MolecularSequence resource include the reference sequence, variant details, observed sequence, and the associated quality information. The reference sequence represents the standard genomic sequence to which the observed sequence is compared. Variants describe the differences between the observed sequence and the reference, allowing for the representation of genetic mutations and variations. The observed sequence, on the other hand, captures the actual sequence data obtained from a patient’s genetic analysis.

In addition to genetic information, the MolecularSequence resource can also include metadata such as the method used for sequencing, the device or instrument employed, and quality metrics to assess the reliability and accuracy of the data. This comprehensive data representation fosters collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and geneticists, as it ensures that all relevant information is easily accessible and interpretable.

FHIR MolecularSequence Resource
FHIR MolecularSequence Resource

By adopting the FHIR MolecularSequence resource, healthcare organizations can effectively manage and share genetic data, thereby supporting precision medicine initiatives and personalized treatment approaches. This resource is instrumental in advancing genomic research, enabling the identification of disease-causing genetic variations, predicting disease risk, and tailoring treatment plans based on an individual’s unique genetic makeup.

However, it’s important to consider privacy and security measures when handling sensitive genetic data, ensuring patient consent, and compliance with regulatory guidelines to maintain the confidentiality of genomic information. Overall, the MolecularSequence resource in the FHIR standard brings us closer to a more comprehensive and data-driven healthcare ecosystem that can revolutionize patient care and medical research.

Structure of FHIR MolecularSequence Resource

Here is the structure of the FHIR MolecularSequence resource in JSON format along with an explanation of each element. Other format like XML and Turtle is also present, but for simplicity here we will take the example of JSON format. The complete structure details can be found here.

  "resourceType": "MolecularSequence",
  "id": "example-sequence",
  "meta": {
    "versionId": "1",
    "lastUpdated": "2023-08-03T00:00:00Z"
  "text": {
    "status": "generated",
    "div": "<div xmlns=\"\">MolecularSequence example</div>"
  "identifier": {
    "system": "",
    "value": "123456"
  "type": "dna",
  "coordinateSystem": 1,
  "patient": {
    "reference": "Patient/example-patient",
    "type": "Patient",
    "display": "John Doe"
  "device": {
    "display": "Genome Sequencer X-200",
    "manufacturer": "GenoTech Inc.",
    "model": "X-200",
    "version": "2.1",
    "url": "",
    "note": "High-throughput DNA sequencer"
  "specimen": {
    "reference": "Specimen/example-dna-sample",
    "type": "Specimen",
    "display": "DNA Sample - ABC123"
  "observedSeq": "CTGATCGATCGA",
  "referenceSeq": {
    "chromosome": {
      "text": "1"
    "genomeBuild": "GRCh38",
    "orientation": "sense",
    "referenceSeqId": {
      "text": "NC_000001.11"
    "start": 1234567,
    "end": 1234580
  "variation": {
    "start": 4,
    "end": 6,
    "observedAllele": "ATC",
    "referenceAllele": "AAA"
  "quality": [
      "type": "accuracy",
      "standardSequence": {
        "text": "ATCGATCGATCG"
      "start": 4,
      "end": 6,
      "score": {
        "value": 0.98,
        "system": "",
        "code": "Phred"
      "type": "depth",
      "method": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "WGS"
        "text": "Whole Genome Sequencing"
      "start": 1,
      "end": 12,
      "score": {
        "value": 30,
        "unit": "X",
        "system": "",
        "code": "X"
  "repository": [
      "type": "directlink",
      "url": "",
      "name": "GenoTech Sequence Repository",
      "datasetId": "1234567890",
      "variantsetId": "VAR123456",
      "readsetId": "READ123456"

Explanation of the JSON elements:

  • identifier: A unique identifier for the sequence.
  • type: The type of sequence, here represented as DNA.
  • coordinateSystem: The coordinate system used, typically 0-based or 1-based.
  • patient: Reference to the patient to whom the sequence belongs.
  • device: Details about the sequencing device, including display name, manufacturer, model, version, URL, and a note describing the device.
  • specimen: Reference to the DNA specimen from which the sequence was derived.
  • observedSeq: The actual observed sequence data obtained from the sequencing process.
  • referenceSeq: Information about the reference sequence, including chromosome, genome build, orientation, reference sequence ID, start, and end positions.
  • variation: Details about the genetic variation, including the start and end positions, observed allele, and reference allele.
  • quality: Array of quality scores and metrics related to the sequence data. In this example, there are two quality metrics: accuracy and depth, each with their respective details and scores.
  • repository: Information about the repository where this sequence is stored or accessible, including type, URL, repository name, dataset ID, variant set ID, and readset ID.

Please keep in mind that real-world data will likely be more extensive and may include additional elements or nested structures based on the complexity and requirements of the genomic data being represented.

Commonly used fields in FHIR MolecularSequence Resource

The FHIR MolecularSequence resource provides a rich set of fields to represent genetic and genomic data. The most commonly used fields in this resource include:

  • identifier: A unique identifier for the sequence, often assigned by the sequencing laboratory or system.
  • type: Specifies the type of sequence being represented, such as DNA, RNA, or protein.
  • patient: Reference to the patient to whom the sequence belongs, linking it to the patient’s record in the FHIR system.
  • observedSeq: The actual observed sequence data obtained from the sequencing process. For DNA sequences, this field typically contains a string of nucleotide bases (e.g., “ATCG”).
  • referenceSeq: Information about the reference sequence, including chromosome, genome build, orientation, reference sequence ID, start, and end positions. This allows for comparison and identification of genetic variants.
  • variation: Details about genetic variations, including start and end positions, observed allele, and reference allele. This field represents the genetic differences from the reference sequence.
  • quality: An array of quality scores and metrics related to the sequence data. Quality metrics help assess the reliability and accuracy of the genetic data.
  • coordinateSystem: Indicates the coordinate system used for position numbering (e.g., 0-based or 1-based numbering).
  • device: Information about the sequencing device or instrument used to generate the sequence data. It includes details such as the display name, manufacturer, model, version, and URL.
  • specimen: Reference to the DNA or other biological specimen from which the sequence was derived.
  • repository: Information about the repository where this sequence is stored or accessible, including the type, URL, repository name, dataset ID, variant set ID, and readset ID.

These are the core fields used in the FHIR MolecularSequence resource that capture essential information about genetic and genomic data. Depending on the specific use case and the complexity of the genetic data being represented, other optional fields may also be utilized. These fields can cover additional details such as method, coverage, variant interpretation, allele frequency, and more, making FHIR MolecularSequence a comprehensive resource for managing and exchanging genomic information in healthcare and research settings.

A use case where FHIR MolecularSequence Resource can be utilized

Use Case: Genomic Test Result Reporting

Description: In this use case, we consider a scenario where a patient undergoes genomic testing, such as whole-genome sequencing or targeted gene analysis, to identify genetic variations associated with a specific condition or disease. After the sequencing process, the laboratory generates a comprehensive genomic test report that includes information about the patient’s genetic variants and their potential clinical significance. The challenge lies in efficiently capturing, storing, and sharing this complex genetic data along with relevant clinical information while ensuring standardization and interoperability.

Solution: The FHIR MolecularSequence resource provides an ideal solution for representing and managing the genomic test results. Here’s how the resource can be utilized:

  1. Data Capture and Storage:
    • The genomic data obtained from the sequencing process, such as the observed sequence and reference sequence, can be stored within the MolecularSequence resource’s relevant fields.
    • Genetic variations, including start and end positions, observed allele, and reference allele, can be represented in the “variation” field, enabling the capture of specific mutations or variants found in the patient’s genome.
    • Quality metrics, such as accuracy and depth scores, can be included in the “quality” field to assess the reliability and precision of the genomic data.
  2. Clinical Information Integration:
    • The “patient” field in the MolecularSequence resource links the genomic data to the corresponding patient’s record in the FHIR system, ensuring seamless integration with their clinical information and medical history.
    • The “specimen” field allows referencing the biological specimen from which the genomic data was derived, providing essential context to the test results.
  3. Device and Laboratory Information:
    • The “device” field can store details about the sequencing instrument or platform used to generate the genomic data. This information includes the device’s name, manufacturer, model, version, and URL.
    • Additional metadata about the laboratory and sequencing method can also be included to maintain the traceability and validity of the test results.
  4. Interoperability and Data Exchange:
    • The FHIR standard ensures that the MolecularSequence resource’s data is represented in a structured and standardized format, promoting interoperability between different healthcare systems and research platforms.
    • The use of FHIR RESTful APIs allows easy sharing of genomic test results with authorized healthcare providers, researchers, and patients, facilitating collaborative care and research initiatives.
  5. Privacy and Consent Management:
    • Patient privacy and data consent can be managed using FHIR Consent resources. This ensures that patients have control over how their genomic data is accessed and shared.

By utilizing the FHIR MolecularSequence resource, healthcare organizations, and research institutions can efficiently manage and share genomic test results, supporting personalized medicine approaches, identifying disease-causing variants, and contributing to advances in genomic research. The standardized representation of genomic data in FHIR promotes data-driven decision-making, leading to improved patient care and the development of targeted therapies based on an individual’s unique genetic makeup.

Here are a few general or interview questions related to the MolecularSequence resource, which aims to gauge your knowledge about the resource, its practical application, and your understanding of healthcare interoperability principles.

1. Can you explain the purpose of the FHIR MolecularSequence resource and its significance in the context of genomic data representation?

The FHIR MolecularSequence resource is specifically designed to represent genomic data within the FHIR framework. It allows healthcare providers, researchers, and patients to capture and exchange information related to genetic sequences, variations, and other molecular-level data. The MolecularSequence resource plays a vital role in the field of genomics, where understanding an individual’s genetic makeup is crucial for personalized medicine, disease risk assessment, and targeted treatment approaches. By adopting the MolecularSequence resource, healthcare systems can effectively manage and share genomic data in a structured and standardized manner, leading to improved precision medicine initiatives, better patient outcomes, and advancements in genetic research.

2. What are the key elements in the FHIR MolecularSequence resource, and how are they used to represent genetic information?

The key elements in the FHIR MolecularSequence resource include:

  • identifier: A unique identifier for the sequence, typically assigned by the sequencing laboratory or system.
  • type: Specifies the type of sequence (DNA, RNA, or protein) being represented.
  • patient: Reference to the patient to whom the sequence belongs, linking it to the patient’s record in the FHIR system.
  • observedSeq: The actual observed sequence data obtained from the sequencing process, represented as a string of nucleotide bases (e.g., “ATCG”).
  • referenceSeq: Information about the reference sequence, including chromosome, genome build, orientation, reference sequence ID, and start/end positions.
  • variation: Details about genetic variations, including start and end positions, observed allele, and reference allele.
  • quality: An array of quality scores and metrics related to the sequence data, assessing its reliability and accuracy.

These elements allow for the comprehensive representation of genomic information and facilitate the comparison of genetic variations against a standard reference sequence.

3. Describe a real-world use case where the FHIR MolecularSequence resource can be utilized to manage and exchange genomic test results.

In a real-world scenario, a patient undergoes whole-genome sequencing to identify potential genetic mutations associated with a hereditary disease. After the sequencing process, the laboratory generates a genomic test report that includes the patient’s observed genomic sequence, identified variations, and associated quality metrics. The FHIR MolecularSequence resource can be used to represent this genomic test result in a structured manner.

The observedSeq field captures the patient’s actual sequence data, the referenceSeq field defines the standard genomic sequence for comparison, and the variation field describes any genetic variants found. Additionally, quality scores in the quality field provide insights into the accuracy and reliability of the data. This FHIR representation enables seamless integration of genomic test results with the patient’s electronic health record, facilitates data exchange between healthcare providers, and supports research efforts in understanding disease-causing genetic variations.

4. Which field is used in the MolecularSequence resource to capture genetic variation data?

This ‘variation’ field is used to capture genetic variations found in the patient’s genome, including start and end positions, observed allele, and reference allele. It represents the differences between the observed sequence and the reference sequence, allowing for the identification of genetic mutations.

5. How can quality metrics be incorporated into the MolecularSequence resource, and why are they important in genomic data representation?

Quality metrics in the MolecularSequence resource are represented using the quality field. This field contains an array of quality scores and metrics related to the sequence data. Quality metrics are vital in genomic data representation as they provide insights into the reliability and accuracy of the sequencing process. They help researchers and clinicians assess the confidence level of the identified genetic variants and ensure the validity of the genomic test results.

6. What are the challenges and considerations related to privacy and security when dealing with genomic data in the context of FHIR?

Dealing with genomic data in the context of FHIR raises important privacy and security considerations due to the sensitive nature of genetic information. Some of the challenges and considerations include:

  • Data Access Control: Ensuring that only authorized individuals or systems have access to genomic data to protect patient privacy and comply with regulations.
  • Data De-identification: Anonymizing or de-identifying genomic data when appropriate to minimize the risk of re-identification and maintain patient confidentiality.
  • Consent Management: Implementing robust consent mechanisms to obtain and manage patient consent for the collection, storage, and sharing of genomic data.
  • Data Encryption: Using encryption methods to secure data during transmission and storage, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Audit Trails: Maintaining comprehensive audit trails to track data access and modifications for accountability and transparency.

7. How can FHIR Consent resources be used to manage patient consent and data-sharing preferences regarding genomic data?

FHIR Consent resources allow healthcare providers to manage patient consent and data-sharing preferences explicitly. Providers can create Consent resources that capture patients’ informed decisions regarding the use, disclosure, and sharing of their genomic data. These Consent resources can be associated with the patient’s MolecularSequence resource or other relevant healthcare data. When accessing the genomic data, healthcare systems can consult the associated Consent resource to determine the patient’s consent preferences and act accordingly, ensuring compliance with the patient’s wishes and regulatory requirements.

8. Can you provide an example of a JSON representation of the FHIR MolecularSequence resource, including relevant elements and realistic values?

Here is a simplified example of a JSON representation of the FHIR MolecularSequence resource:

  "resourceType": "MolecularSequence",
  "id": "example-sequence",
  "type": "dna",
  "patient": {
    "reference": "Patient/example-patient",
    "display": "John Doe"
  "observedSeq": "ATGCTAGCTAGCTA",
  "referenceSeq": {
    "chromosome": {
      "text": "X"
    "genomeBuild": "GRCh37",
    "orientation": "sense",
    "referenceSeqId": {
      "text": "NC_000023.11"
    "start": 12345,
    "end": 12357
  "variation": {
    "start": 8,
    "end": 10,
    "observedAllele": "GCA",
    "referenceAllele": "AAA"
  "quality": [
      "type": "accuracy",
      "standardSequence": {
        "text": "ATGCTAGCTAGCTA"
      "start": 8,
      "end": 10,
      "score": {
        "value": 0.98

This example is simplified for illustration purposes and omits certain elements that may be present in a complete MolecularSequence resource.

9. In genomic research, researchers often perform variant interpretation. How can FHIR be leveraged to capture and share variant interpretation information alongside the MolecularSequence resource?

FHIR can be leveraged to capture and share variant interpretation information by using the Extension mechanism. Variant interpretation data can be represented as an extension to the MolecularSequence resource. Researchers can define custom extensions specific to variant interpretation, which may include details such as clinical significance, disease association, population frequency, and supporting evidence. These extensions allow the standardized representation of variant interpretation data, promoting interoperability between different systems and facilitating meaningful exchange of genomic research findings.

10. Suppose a laboratory conducts both whole-genome sequencing and targeted gene analysis for a patient. How would you represent these different types of sequencing in the MolecularSequence resource?

To represent different types of sequencing in the MolecularSequence resource, you can use the type field to indicate the sequencing technique used. For example, you can set the type to “dna” for whole-genome sequencing and “rna” for targeted gene analysis. Each MolecularSequence resource can then be associated with the specific sequencing process and corresponding genomic data, ensuring accurate representation and distinction between the two types of analysis.

11. What are the potential limitations or complexities associated with representing genomic data in FHIR, and how can they be addressed?

Representing genomic data in FHIR can present some challenges and complexities due to the inherent complexity of genomics. Some potential limitations include:

  • Data Volume: Genomic data can be large and require efficient handling and storage. Compression techniques and reference to external data repositories can help address this issue.
  • Data Standardization: The genomic field is rapidly evolving, and new discoveries may require updates to data standards. Continuous community engagement and FHIR extensions can help address this challenge.
  • Data Privacy: Genomic data is sensitive, and ensuring privacy and security is essential. Robust consent mechanisms, data de-identification, and encryption techniques can address privacy concerns.

12. How would you integrate the MolecularSequence resource with other FHIR resources to create a comprehensive patient record, considering both clinical and genetic information?

Integrating the MolecularSequence resource with other FHIR resources involves linking the genetic data to the patient’s comprehensive record. For instance:

  • The patient field in the MolecularSequence resource is linked to the Patient resource, connecting the genetic data to the patient’s demographics and clinical history.
  • Genetic testing Observation resources can reference the MolecularSequence resource to associate clinical interpretations and test results with specific genomic variants.
  • Genomic data can be related to relevant DiagnosticReport resources, detailing the results and interpretations of genetic tests.

This approach creates a cohesive patient record, incorporating both clinical and genetic information, facilitating a holistic view of the patient’s health profile.

13. What are the most critical considerations when designing systems for managing and exchanging genomic data using the FHIR MolecularSequence resource?

When designing systems for managing and exchanging genomic data using the FHIR MolecularSequence resource, several critical considerations include:

  • Data Standardization: Ensuring adherence to FHIR standards and using standardized genomic terminologies to maintain data consistency and interoperability.
  • Security and Privacy: Implementing robust security measures, data encryption, and patient consent mechanisms to protect sensitive genomic data.
  • Scalability and Performance: Addressing the scalability challenges that come with managing large volumes of genomic data efficiently and ensuring optimal system performance.
  • Interoperability: Designing systems that can seamlessly integrate with other FHIR-compliant systems and research platforms to enable data sharing and collaboration.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Complying with relevant data protection and ethical regulations when handling genomic data.

Considering these factors is crucial for building reliable, efficient, and ethical systems for genomic data management and exchange in healthcare and research domains.


In conclusion, the FHIR MolecularSequence resource represents a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of healthcare data interoperability and genomics. By providing a standardized format for capturing and exchanging genetic and genomic information, it offers a powerful tool to revolutionize precision medicine, research, and patient care. The MolecularSequence resource enables healthcare providers, researchers, and patients to efficiently manage and share complex genomic data, facilitating personalized treatment approaches, disease risk assessment, and targeted therapies based on an individual’s unique genetic makeup.

Moreover, the resource’s comprehensive data representation, encompassing observed sequences, reference sequences, genetic variations, and quality metrics, empowers collaborative efforts in genetic research and contributes to advancing our understanding of genetic diseases and their treatments. However, while the FHIR MolecularSequence resource offers immense potential, its implementation must be coupled with strong privacy and security measures to safeguard the confidentiality of sensitive genetic information. Striking the balance between data sharing for research and maintaining patient consent and confidentiality is essential for building public trust in the use of genomic data.

As genomics continues to play an increasingly significant role in healthcare, the MolecularSequence resource is poised to become an indispensable component of the FHIR standard, fostering a data-driven healthcare ecosystem that promises to enhance patient outcomes, accelerate medical discoveries, and ultimately pave the way toward a more personalized and effective approach to healthcare worldwide.

I hope you find this post helpful. Cheers!!!

[Further Readings:  FHIR ImagingStudy Resource | FHIR DocumentReference Resource |  FHIR DiagnosticReport Resource |  FHIR Observation Resource |  FHIR NutritionOrder Resource |  FHIR NutritionIntake Resource |   FHIR RiskAssessment Resource |  FHIR VisionPrescription Resource |  FHIR ServiceRequest Resource | FHIR DetectedIssue Resource |  FHIR ClinicalImpression Resource |  FHIR CareTeam Resource |  FHIR Goal Resource |  FHIR CarePlan Resource |  FHIR AdverseEvent Resource |  FHIR FamilyMemberHistory Resource |  FHIR Procedure Resource |  FHIR Condition Resource | FHIR InventoryItem Resource |  FHIR Substance Resource |  FHIR DeviceMetric Resource |  FHIR DeviceDefinition Resource |  FHIR Device Resource |  FHIR NutritionProduct Resource |  FHIR BiologicallyDerivedProduct Resource |  | Dependency Injection in WPF ]

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