Healthcare Interoperability: Exploring the Potential of the FHIR RelatedPerson Resource

FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is a standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically. In the context of the FHIR RelatedPerson resource represents a person who is related to a patient, such as a family member or caregiver.


The FHIR RelatedPerson resource contains information about the relationship between the patient and the related person, as well as their personal details. This resource includes attributes such as name, gender, date of birth, contact information, and their relationship to the patient. It can also capture additional details like communication preferences, managing organization, and a flag indicating whether the related person is the patient’s primary contact.

The FHIR RelatedPerson resource enables healthcare systems to capture and exchange information about individuals who are involved in a patient’s care, but who may not be the actual patient themselves. This is particularly useful for maintaining comprehensive patient records and ensuring coordinated care across different healthcare providers and settings.

By using FHIR’s standardized data model and API, healthcare systems can easily retrieve and exchange information about related persons, facilitating better communication and collaboration in patient care.

fhir relatedperson resource

Structure of the FHIR RelatedPerson Resource

The structure of a RelatedPerson resource in JSON format follows the FHIR specification. Other formats like XML and Turtle exist, but here we will talk about JSON. Here’s an example of how a RelatedPerson resource might be represented in JSON:

  "resourceType": "RelatedPerson",
  "id": "12345",
  "identifier": [
      "system": "",
      "value": "RP123"
  "patient": {
    "reference": "Patient/67890"
  "relationship": [
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "FTH",
          "display": "Father"
      "text": "Father"
  "name": [
      "family": "Doe",
      "given": [
      "use": "official"
  "gender": "male",
  "birthDate": "1980-05-10",
  "telecom": [
      "system": "phone",
      "value": "(555) 123-4567"
      "system": "email",
      "value": ""

In the given structure, the details are as follows:

  • resourceType: indicates the type of resource, which is “RelatedPerson” in this case.
  • id: represents the unique identifier for the related person resource.
  • identifier: contains an array of identifiers associated with the related person.
  • patient: references the patient resource to which the related person is associated.
  • relationship: describes the relationship between the patient and the related person, using coding for standardized representation and a textual description.
  • name: contains the related person’s name, including their family name and given name(s).
  • gender: represents the related person’s gender.
  • birthDate: indicates the related person’s date of birth.
  • telecom: includes an array of contact details such as phone numbers and email addresses for the related person.

Please note that this is a simplified structure example, and there may be additional fields or nested structures depending on the specific requirements or extensions used in a given implementation. The detailed structure can be found here.

Commonly used fields

The commonly used fields in the structure of an FHIR RelatedPerson resource include:

  • resourceType: Specifies the type of resource, which is “RelatedPerson” in this case.
  • id: Represents the unique identifier for the related person resource.
  • identifier: An array of identifiers associated with the related person, such as an ID number or social security number.
  • patient: References the patient resource to which the related person is associated.
  • relationship: Describes the relationship between the patient and the related person, using coding for standardized representation and a textual description.
  • name: Contains the related person’s name, including their family name (last name) and given name(s).
  • gender: Represents the related person’s gender.
  • birthDate: Indicates the related person’s date of birth.
  • telecom: An array of contact details for the related person, such as phone numbers or email addresses.
  • address: Represents the related person’s address, including components like street, city, postal code, and country.
  • communication: If the related person has specific communication preferences or language capabilities, this field can capture that information.
  • managingOrganization: References the organization responsible for managing the related person’s care.
  • extension: Optional extensions that can be used to include additional custom fields or information specific to the implementation or use case.

These fields provide essential information about a related person in the FHIR RelatedPerson resource. They cover details such as identification, relationship, name, demographics, contact information, address, communication preferences, and managing organization. Additional fields or extensions can be used to capture more specific or customized information as needed.

Sample use cases where FHIR RelatedPerson resource is utilized

A sample use case where the RelatedPerson resource can be utilized is in the context of care coordination for a pediatric patient. Consider the following scenario:

Use Case: Care Coordination for Pediatric Patient

Description: A pediatric patient named Emily is receiving healthcare services from various providers, and her parents, John and Sarah, are actively involved in her care. The RelatedPerson resource can be used to capture and exchange information about Emily’s parents as related persons.

In this use case, the RelatedPerson resource can be employed in the following ways:

  1. Relationship: The Relationship field within the RelatedPerson resource can indicate that John and Sarah are Emily’s parents. This information helps healthcare providers understand the familial relationship and the level of involvement of each related person.
  2. Contact Information: The Telecom field in the RelatedPerson resource can store the phone numbers or email addresses of John and Sarah. This allows healthcare providers to easily reach out to them for care coordination purposes, such as scheduling appointments or providing updates on Emily’s health.
  3. Communication Preferences: The Communication field can specify the preferred language of John and Sarah. This ensures that healthcare providers communicate with them effectively and in their preferred language, improving information sharing and understanding.
  4. Consent and Authorization: In certain situations, the RelatedPerson resource can be used to capture consent or authorization information from John and Sarah. For example, if there are specific treatment decisions or procedures that require parental consent, this information can be documented in the resource.
  5. Emergency Contact: The RelatedPerson resource can be used to identify John or Sarah as the primary emergency contact for Emily. This ensures that the healthcare team has immediate access to the designated contact person in case of emergencies or critical situations.

By utilizing the FHIR RelatedPerson resource, healthcare providers can maintain comprehensive records, exchange relevant information with Emily’s parents, and involve them in the care coordination process. This facilitates effective communication, improves care continuity, and enhances the overall care experience for pediatric patients like Emily.

Here are a few questions related to the FHIR RelatedPerson Resource, which aims to gauge your knowledge about RelatedPerson, its practical application, and your understanding of healthcare interoperability principles.

1. Can you explain what the FHIR RelatedPerson resource is used for in healthcare interoperability?

The FHIR RelatedPerson resource is used to represent individuals who are related to a patient, such as family members or caregivers. It allows for capturing and exchanging information about these related persons, including their relationship to the patient, contact details, communication preferences, and other relevant attributes. This resource facilitates better care coordination, communication, and information sharing among healthcare providers involved in the patient’s care.

2. What are some common fields or attributes found in the RelatedPerson resource?

Some common fields in the RelatedPerson resource include:

  • Identifier: Unique identifiers associated with the related person.
  • Patient: Reference to the patient with whom the related person is associated.
  • Relationship: Describes the relationship between the patient and the related person.
  • Name: Contains the related person’s name.
  • Gender: Represents the related person’s gender.
  • BirthDate: Captures the related person’s date of birth.
  • Telecom: Contact information for the related person.
  • Address: Represents the related person’s address.
  • Communication: Communication preferences or language capabilities of the related person.
  • Managing Organization: Reference to the organization responsible for managing the related person’s care.

3. How would you represent the relationship between a patient and a related person using the RelatedPerson resource?

The relationship between a patient and a related person can be represented using the “relationship” field within the RelatedPerson resource. It typically includes coding for standardized values that describe the specific relationship, such as “FTH” for the father, “MTH” for the mother, “CHD” for the child, and so on. Additionally, a textual description can be provided to further clarify the relationship, such as “Father” or “Mother.”

4. Can you provide an example of how the RelatedPerson resource can be utilized in a care coordination scenario?

In a care coordination scenario, the RelatedPerson resource can be used to capture information about a patient’s primary caregiver or family member. For instance, if a patient has a child with special medical needs, the parent or guardian can be represented as a related person. This resource can store their contact information, relationship to the patient (e.g., “Parent” or “Guardian”), and communication preferences. This enables healthcare providers to involve the related person in care discussions, share important updates, and coordinate appointments or interventions.

5. How would you capture and store contact information for a related person within the RelatedPerson resource?

Contact information for a related person can be captured and stored using the “telecom” field within the RelatedPerson resource. This field can contain an array of contact details, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or other means of communication. Each entry in the array specifies the system (e.g., “phone” or “email”) and the corresponding value (e.g., the actual phone number or email address).

6. What are some considerations when handling communication preferences for a RelatedPerson?

When handling communication preferences for a RelatedPerson, it’s important to respect their preferences and ensure effective communication. Some considerations include:

  • Capturing preferred language: Allow the related person to specify their preferred language for communication.
  • Preferred communication mode: Determine if the related person prefers phone calls, emails, text messages, or other means of communication.
  • Accessibility needs: Take into account any accessibility needs, such as providing information in alternative formats for individuals with visual or hearing impairments.
  • Consent for communication: Ensure that the related person has given consent to receive communications and respect any opt-out preferences.

7. In what situations would you use the managingOrganization field within the RelatedPerson resource?

The managingOrganization field within the RelatedPerson resource can be used when the related person is associated with a specific healthcare organization responsible for managing their care. This field can capture the reference to the organization. It is commonly used when the related person receives care or support services from a specific organization, such as a home healthcare agency or a hospice care provider.

8. How would you handle scenarios where a RelatedPerson has multiple relationships with different patients?

In scenarios where a RelatedPerson has multiple relationships with different patients, the RelatedPerson resource allows for multiple instances to be created for each relationship. Each RelatedPerson resource instance would represent the relationship between the related person and a specific patient. The Relationship field within each instance would indicate the nature of the relationship for that particular patient. This approach ensures that the relationships are accurately represented and can be distinguished within the system.

9. Are there any security or privacy concerns associated with storing RelatedPerson information and how would you address them?

Storing RelatedPerson information requires attention to security and privacy concerns. Some measures to address these concerns include:

  • Implementing access controls: Ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the related person’s information.
  • Employing encryption: Protect sensitive data through encryption during storage and transmission.
  • Adhering to data protection regulations: Comply with relevant data protection laws, such as HIPAA or GDPR, to safeguard the privacy of personal health information.
  • Obtaining appropriate consent: Obtain consent from the related person for storing and sharing their information in accordance with applicable regulations.
  • Regularly auditing access: Monitor and audit access to related person information to identify any potential breaches or unauthorized activity.

10. Can you explain how the RelatedPerson resource can contribute to the continuity of care for pediatric patients?

The RelatedPerson resource plays a crucial role in maintaining continuity of care for pediatric patients by capturing information about their parents or caregivers. It allows healthcare providers to have a comprehensive view of the patient’s support network and involve relevant individuals in care coordination. By sharing the RelatedPerson resource across healthcare settings, providers can ensure that important information, such as contact details, communication preferences, and relationships, is readily available. This promotes effective communication, coordination of care, and the seamless transition of care for pediatric patients as they move between different healthcare providers or facilities.


In conclusion, the FHIR RelatedPerson resource is a valuable component of healthcare interoperability, designed to capture and exchange information about individuals who are related to a patient. It provides a standardized way to represent relationships, contact details, communication preferences, and other relevant attributes of related persons in a healthcare context.

By including the RelatedPerson resource in health information systems, healthcare providers can enhance care coordination, involve family members or caregivers in the care process, and ensure the continuity of care for patients. This resource enables effective communication, facilitates information sharing, and promotes collaboration among healthcare professionals, ultimately improving the overall quality of patient care.

I hope you find this post helpful. Cheers!!!

[Further Readings: FHIR Patient Resource: Enabling Seamless Healthcare Data Exchange for Improved Interoperability |  Exploring FHIR Components: A Comprehensive Overview of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources |  FHIR Standard-101: Empowering Interoperability and Data Exchange in Healthcare |  5 Tips for Implementing the DRY Principle in Software Development |  Caching 101: An Overview of Caching Techniques |  Understanding Exceptions in C#: Types, Handling, and Best Practices |  A Comprehensive Guide to Dependency Injection in C#: Advantages, Disadvantages, Types, and Best Practices |  The Ultimate Guide to Text Editors: Types, Features, and Choosing the Best One for You  ]  

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